Declaration of Accessibility

This website reflects the accessibility and barrier-free website access according to commonly accepted principlesweb accessibility rules and guidelines prepared for the purpose of the amendment to Act No. 365/2000 Coll. on Public Administration Information Systems.

The website is created according to specifications issued by the Consortium (W3C) mark-up language used by the HTML 4 Transitional, HTML 5 and XHTML 1.1 Transitional and follows the syntactic and semantic correctness.
The content is completely separated from the style using the Cascading Style Sheets.The website presentation can also be used on other output devices (mobile phones, screen readers, etc.).
Some additional information (particularly downloads) are available on the site in other formats, mostly PDF. To view documents in this format you must have a browser installed Adobe Reader, which is available for free to download at the Adobe inc. or other programme capable of displaying PDF files.
Some additional and multimedia features of this site can be created using Adobe Flash technology and may require an add-on to be installed for the browser Adobe Flash Player, which is free for download on the website of Adobe inc.

For full functioning of the website, it is essential to have supported and enabled JavaScript in the browser.


Euroregion Pomezí Čech, Moravy a Kladska - Euroregion Glacensis
Panská 1492
516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou