Rozhledna Žernov


View Žernov

Technical specification:

Výška rozhlednyTower height
Výška plošinyPlatform height 18,4 m
OtevřeníOfficially opened to the public November 30, 2014
GPSGPS: 50°25'48.53"N, 16°03'07.22"E
On the territory of the Babiččinou údolí (Grandmother´s Valley) National Nature Reserve there is the so-far best-known viewing spot called Rýzmburský altán (Rýzmburk Summerhouse). Its "windows" offer a beautiful view of the little valley. Utterly new outlooks, this time from another angle and mainly from a proper height, are provided by the new lookout tower a proper height, are provided by the new lookout tower Žernov built within the programme "Places of Many Views in the Glacensis Euroregion", thanks to the cooperation of Branka generally beneficial society and the Glacensis Euroregion. The municipality selected for the lookout tower was the village of Žernov, more precisely its end at the cycle route No. 4057. The timber lookout tower combined with steel supporting elements is located in the altitude of 308 m a.s.l. It has five viewing platforms and the last fifth platform is found in the height of 18,4 m above ground. The lookout tower stands right next to a fooball pitch. It is possible to miss it when arriving from Červený Kostelec.
Construction investor: Branka generally beneficial society
Contractor: Tesmen Ltd. company, Olešnice by Červený Kostelec
Project architect: Ing. Antonín Olšina
Opening hours:
Season October - March
Mo - Fr  unlimited
Sa  unlimited
Su  unlimited
Season May - September
Mo - Fr  unlimited
Sa  unlimited
Su  unlimited
Photo gallery lookout
Žernov - foto Martin Hurdálek
Žernov - foto Martin Hurdálek
Photo gallery from the opening of the observation tower

Žernov otevření
Žernov otevření
Žernov otevření
Žernov otevření
Žernov otevření
Žernov otevření
Photo gallery during construction observation tower
Žernov stavba
Žernov stavba
logotyp CZ-PL a symboly EU s texty


Euroregion Pomezí Čech, Moravy a Kladska - Euroregion Glacensis
Panská 1492
516 01 Rychnov nad Kněžnou