Cycle Buses in the Orlické Mountains 2022
Files to download:
Cycle buses in the Orlické Mountains 2012
Bus Services: 30 May - 28 September 2015 on Saturday, Sundasy, and during bank holidays
The latest timetable:
Euroregion Glacensis the latest timetable together with a tourist map. Information materials will be available at information centres in Hradec Králové and Pardubice region, and on cycle buses, as well as ordinary bus lines.
Map bus routes
Click HERE to download the list of bus routes:
- bus route No. 1 - purple
- bus route No. 2 - brown
- bus route No. 3 - pink
- bus route No. 4 - azure
- bus route No. 5 - green
- bus route No. 6 - purple
- bus route No. 7 - orange-green
- bus route No. 8 - yellow
- bus route No. 9 - dark green
- bus route No. 10 - grey
- bus route No. 11 - red
- bus route No. 12 - blue and dark orange