Project number: CZ.11.2.45/0.0/16_025/0001254
Euroregion Pomezí Čech, Moravy a Kladska – Euroregion Glacensis
Královehradecký kraj
Pardubický kraj
Olomoucký kraj
Liberecký kraj
Sdružení Neratov, z.s.
Obec Deštné v Orlických horách
Obec Olešnice v Orlických horách
Městys Nový Hrádek
Obec Vysoká Srbská
Stowarzyszenie Gmin Ziemi Kłodzkej
Powiat Kłodzki
Gmina Międzylesie
Gmina Bystrzyca Kłodzka
Gmina Duszniki-Zdrój
Gmina Radków
Gmina Miejska Nowa Ruda
Gmina Nowa Ruda
Overall 3 571 346,11 €
From European Regional Development Fund 3 035 553 €
From the state budget 97 950 €
Own deposit 437 843,11 €
1.4.2018 – 31.10.2020
Program INTERREG V-A Czech republic - Poland
Priority Axis 2 - Developing the potential of natural and cultural resources to promote employment
2.1 Conservation and restoration of cultural and natural attractions for the sustainable development of the common border
The main project goal is to create new cross-border tourism product „Bohemian-Polisch Ridgetrail“. There will be a renewal and a new cross-border interconnection of this important historic hiking trail, along with the building of new related investments in the form of observation towers and information centers. The project will be accompanied by a marketing and promotional campaign using traditional but also modern methods and information technologies taht are targeted to potential visitors.
0. Preparation of the project
Preparation of the project was covered by Euroregion Glacensis, which has dedicated permanent staff for this purpose, who will be part of the project even in the realization and sustainability phase. Several meetings took place. The lead partner also oversaw the timely delivery off all attachments, especially ground and building permits.
1. Project management
The Euroregion as the Lead partner will monitor timely fulfillment of the deadlines, proces project implementation reports and payment requests, and communicate with control authorities. Each project partner has a project team that communicates with LP though a CZ-PL coordinator or project management manager. For professional activities like tenders are hiring external experts.
2. Promotional and information activities
As part of the promotional aktivity, will be placed billboard at the site of the largest investment, ie Nowa Ruda, with information about all activities of the project, the places of their implementation and the mandatory publicity of the program. The content of the same poster will also be at the headquarters of the leading partner – Euroregion Glacensis. To furter inform the public, a newly created sub-page will be used, which will be continuously updated according to the activities of the project, which will also be promoted through social networks, print and radio. After completion of the project implementation, permanent explanatory memorial boards will be installed at the investment sites.
3. Building of tourist infrastructure
Designation of the ridgetrail – tehre will be a new special marking of the route named Hřebenovka
Observation towers – 11 observation towers will build, 8 of them will be restoration of historical towers, viewpoints or other heritage, only 3 are in new locations
Infocentre – another tourist infrastructure is the construction of two infocenters which will be established in Nový Hrádek on the Šibeník hill in the immediate vicinity of the planned observation tower and in Neratov in the immediate vicinity of the bulit bridge linking the Czech-Polish border
Parking - as the building site of the lookout tower and TIC in Nový Hrádek is located on Šibenik Hill, where there is no parking at present, there will be a parking lot with a capacity of 10 cars
The reconstruction of the bridge in Neratov – the bridge will be bulit at the borded crossing of Divoká Orlice and will directly connect Czech republic and Poland, is therefore considered a symbol of spiritual and physical connection berween Czechs and Poles and at the same time will increase the bandwidth.
4. Marketing campaign
Content of campaign is to create common logo of Hřebenovka, expand the web portal using panoramic views, presentation on social network, publicity through QR codes, publishing of printed materials in the formo f folders and sets, shattering maps, product presentation in the form of a calendar, creation of videosposts, press and radion advertising, press trip, conferences, etc.